Sponsoring the Western States Conference is a perfect way to network with both current thought-leaders in pharmacy and future decision-makers.

Sponsorship levels and benefits vary by support commitment.

Please contact us to discuss your sponsorship or complete the Sponsorship Commitment Form.

Download Sponsorship Levels Document

Diamond - $10,000
•    Four (4) complimentary Conference registrations
•    One full-page ad in the Conference program book
•    Option for logo placement at either one Conference lunch, conference badges, lanyards or central information desk (as available based on date of sponsorship commitment).
•    Prominent signage at opening reception
•    Prominent logo placement in the Conference Program Book
•    Prominent logo placement on the Conference Website
•    Banner ad placement in all Conference e-blasts
•    Exclusive branded splash screen in the Conference app
•    Recognition from the podium at preceptor and student orientation
•    **Opportunity to place a branded promotional item in the Conference tote bag 

Platinum - $7,500
•    Three (3) complimentary Conference registrations
•    One half-page ad in the Conference program book
•    Option for logo placement on conference badges, lanyards or central information desk (as available based on date of sponsorship commitment)
•    Logo placement in the Conference Program Book
•    Logo placement on the Conference Website
•    Banner ad placement in Conference e-blasts
•    Rotating banner ad in the Conference app
•    Recognition from the podium at preceptor and student orientation
•    Recognition at the opening reception
•    **Opportunity to place a branded promotional item in the Conference tote bag 

Gold - $5,000
•    Two (2) complimentary Conference registrations
•    One quarter-page ad in the Conference program book
•    Option for logo placement on conference badges, lanyards or central information (as available based on date of sponsorship commitment)
•    Logo placement in the Conference Program Book
•    Logo placement on the Conference Website
•    Logo placement in Conference e-blasts
•    Logo placement in the Sponsor section of the Conference app
•    **Opportunity to place a branded promotional item in the Conference tote bag

Silver - $1,000
•    One (1) complimentary Conference registration
•    Logo placement in the Conference Program Book
•    Logo placement on the Conference Website
•    Logo placement in Conference e-blasts
•    Logo placement in the Sponsor section of the Conference app
•    **Opportunity to place a branded promotional item in the Conference tote bag 

Bronze - $500
(Available exclusively to programs with registered attendees)
•    Listing in the Conference program book
•    Listing on the Conference website
•    Listing in Conference e-blasts
•    Listing in the Sponsor section of the Conference app
•    **Opportunity to place a branded promotional item in the Conference tote bag 

Additional Opportunities for Support 
(Prices variable, item sponsors will be receive recognition equivalent to their level of support):
•    Conference T-Shirts
•    Conference Program Book
•    Conference Badges
•    Conference Lanyards
•    Information Desk
•    Additional Branded Items
(Coffee cart, Jump Drives, Flashlights, Flip-Flops, Luggage Tags)


Sponsors at all levels of support may bring extra attendees to staff their booth during the career fair and exhibitor's forum. However, these additional booth attendees are not allowed to stay for any educational sessions or activities beyond the exhibiting time unless they fully register for the conference.

 *Attendance to the WSC meeting is restricted to registered residents, fellows, preceptors, and conference supporters.  All attendees are encouraged to interact with the highest level of professionalism and courtesy that supports the mission of this conference.

** Promotional item provided at sponsor’s expense.